All about Sense Organs
What are the Sense Organs? Sense organs are specialized organs that help to perceive the world around us. They are an integral part of our lives, and it is the only way that enables us to perceive the environment. We have five sense organs, namely: 1. Eye - click on the word ( eye to the left ) to read article 2. Ears - click to read the a rticle Let's watch this video. 3. Nose - Click here for more detailed information. 4. Tongue Let's watch this video. 5. Skin - click here to learn more Lets watch this video to learn about the skin. ITS QUESTION TIME 😍😀 1. How many sense organs humans have? 2. Which sense organ we use to smell? 3. Define one (1) sense organ? References A. (2021, July 28). Sense Organs - List of Five Sense Organs and their Functions . BYJUS. Before you continue . (n.d.).